We are a group of crafters who have pledged to complete as many of our UnFinished Objects as possible this year...

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

My commitment

Hmmm.....well, that picture didn't go where I wanted it to and I can't get stuff to move. So....it's my Grandmother's Flower Garden. Someone gave me a beautifully made antique top, which I handquilted (400 + hours) and have not had much luck finding a matching shade of green for binding. Will try harder, as I'd really love to finally get this one finished and maybe hang on a wall.

OK, I've thought about it and here is what I want to...WILL...accomplish in 2010:

Binding on antique Grandmother's Flower garden quilt

1930's Stars - Oversize Queensize-get it at least to finished top
CW Pink/brown HST's Oversize Queensize--get it at least to finished top
Hand quilt at least one of the above two tops and have it bound and usable

This appears to be a very modest list, but I'm handpiecing and handquilting--enough said, right ;-)

I'll most likely get sidetracked along the way, and pull out something else to work on occasionally, but these are where my focus will be. Anything else I might finish along the way, will be icing on the chocolate cake.


Lindi said...

That's a beautiful photo and quilt. :) Best of luck with your decisions. We'll be cheering you on!

FeatherDuster said...

Piecing on my stars. I'm at a point where I need to make a decision about whether I want to use 30 blocks and a wider border, or 42 blocks and no border. Decisions, decisions....

Birdydownunder said...

oh Grandmother's Flower Garden, I love it