Thank you Boss Mama for clarifiying the position on what a UFO is - I have to admit to getting worried; my pile of UFOs is big enough without adding my fabric stash as Feel like a recovering addict facing a 12 step program to finish my UFO's....rotfl.
So I shall proudly stand up and declare:
"Yes, I am a GIDy Girl"
Hey Giddy Girl! The only new fabric I bought was for the background---enough for twelve blocks. [Hangs head in shame.] From which you can deduce I intend to sin again, at least eleven more times! Time enough then to repent!
I wont tell you how much new fabric I've bought recently! Sales, you know. Can't pass up good deals! lol
Anyway, we are trying to finish UFOs, not bust our stash!!!
That's my excuse anyway!
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